Andrew McCabe's Pension Close to Bandsaw

In race to retirement, can McCabe beat the clock?

Will Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe (top right) get his full pension?

Today is the last business day for the Trump administration to fire former deputy FBI director and apparent Clinton ally Andrew McCabe before his $55,230/year pension โ€“ comprised largely of our tax money โ€“ fully vests. He's been on so-called โ€œterminal leaveโ€ since the time of the Nunes FISA memo.

If Jeff Sessions can get his act together โ€“ a giant โ€œifโ€ indeed โ€“ and fire McCabe before Sunday, then the bent former Clinton spook/alleged New York Times leak organizer would have to settle for a mere $0/year in pension benefits. He's lucky not to be settling for handcuffs, leg irons and a belt chain though. Only in the DOJ can someone allegedly commit treason and the only question becomes whether or not they'll get to keep their full government pension. I guess, looking at Rosenstein and Mueller, treason isn't even a fireable offense in the post-Obama justice department.

So, I've been calling on President Trump to fire Sessions, Rosenstein, Ray and McCabe for a while now. McCabe is the low man on that totem pole and ending his formal employment before his pension fully vests would be a good, if belated, start.

As you may recall, McCabe's wife ran for office as a Democrat and accepted $675,000 in campaign contributions from Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton ally and the Democratic governor of Virginia. Afterwards, McCabe appeared to help throw the game in the Hillary emailgate unvestigation. Recently, it came out that the still-unpublished Inspector General's report found that McCabe authorized some of his DOJ colleagues to speak to the New York Times for an article downplaying his role in botching the potential Clinton prosecution. And now he is on the verge of collecting $1.8 million.

Marty Gottesfeld is an Obama-era political prisoner and Republican Senate candidate against incumbent Elizabeth Warren. You can donate to his legal defense fund at or to his political campaign at