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I sent you this message at approximately 1:46 P.M. on Wednesday, March 25th, 2020
I recently read Steve Byas's thought-provoking piece, "Problematic Prohibition," in the March 9th, 2020, print issue of The New American.
My favorite part: "Unlike [alcohol] Prohibition, no amendment was added to the Constitution giving the federal government the power to enact legislation criminalizing the use of certain drugs. But aided by today's lack of understanding of constitutional principles, the feds are waging a war against drugs anyway."
Mr. Byas illustrates an underappreciated point. If a Constitutional amendment was necessary to wage a war on alcohol--a prerequisite that was at the time generally accepted--then how, by statute alone, is the federal government today waging its (losing) war on drugs?
Many will undoubtedly proffer, "The Commerce Clause."
Yet, this is hardly an answer.
--Rolling Stone-featured human-rights advocate Martin "Marty G" Gottesfeld from a semi-secret DOJ "black-site" prison.