Thousands Now Signing Petition to Oust Federal Judge Kimba Wood Over Clinton/Soros Connections

Nannygate “Love Judge” responds to FreeMartyG

Update: On Thursday April 26, Judge Wood appointed a 'special master' to oversee the files seized from Cohen to determine which if any should be handed over to prosecutors. FreeMartyG is currently investigating the appointment of this special master. 


Over 1,000 new digital signatures were placed on this online petition here in a 6-hour period yesterday urging House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to begin impeachment proceedings against Manhattan U.S. District Court Judge Kimba Wood. At the time of writing, FreeMartyG is also conducting polls on Twitter here and Facebook here, asking if Wood should face removal from the bench over her conduct during a hearing regarding longtime Trump attorney Michael Cohen on April 16th.

Strikingly, as of publication, the results of the Facebook poll were unanimous – with polls still open and over 200 votes in so far, without exception every respondent had indicated that impeachment is appropriate. On Twitter the numbers were similar and with polls still open, 98% had voted for impeachment. The petition has also garnered over 1,000 comments like those quoted throughout this article.


"It seems as though a great many of the problems facing this country come from the "justice system". It's time to put the people first and get rid of judges like this and actually enforce the rule of law. --C.M

To read more about how Federal Judge Kimba Wood was a top choice of former First Lady Hillary Clinton for the position of U.S. attorney general before she became embroiled in the “nannygate” scandal, where it came to light that both she and another top contender had each hired people who the press at the time labeled as “illegal aliens,” see this article here. To read more about Wood officiating the 2013 wedding ceremony of billionaire Democratic mega-donor George Soros who gave $10,556,793 to Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign against President Trump, see this article here.

To read the relevant federal law, 28 U.S.C. § 455(a), which requires any federal judge to “disqualify himself [or herself] in any proceeding in which his [or her] impartiality might reasonably be questioned,” see the current statute here. And to learn more about Judge Wood's apparent decision not to recuse herself from the proceeding regarding Cohen's case and her decision to force him to publicly disclose the identities of his clients in open court, including that of Fox News host Sean Hannity, despite New York Bar Association ethics rules and attorney-client privilege, please see previous coverage from FreeMartyG here.


In Hillary's email probe her attorneys were allowed to go thru all the emails before the State even saw them to remove everything they deemed "personal", destroyed them &"cleaned" the devices so none of those destroyed emails could be retrieved. Pres Trump & Cohen are not offered the same privilege [sic] and this is because of our Double Standard Justice system and I'm sick of the Deep State pushing all their people into politics, being so hard on our President, while Hillary & other criminals are given unfair privileges & let go free with no prosecution. --P.T. 

Sunday afternoon, Judge Wood responded to requests for comment from FreeMartyG. When asked how President Trump's proposal for a border wall and his stance on curbing illegal immigration may have affected her treatment of his attorney in court, especially in light of the direct effects of such issues on her botched candidacy for attorney general during the Clinton administration, the embattled jurist simply told FreeMartyG “no.” When asked whether she considers herself and the DOJ to be above the law in her courtroom, Judge Wood similarly simply stated “no.”

Judge Wood also said that she considers neither herself nor the DOJ to be above the law in her courtroom.


Thank you Mr. Ryan and other representatives. Please do what needs to be done to protect our country from enemies foreign and domestic. Please help, or at least attempt to help, remove known corrupt members of the government from office. The people are tired of leftists and elites being held to a different standard of law than everyone else. You will all but guaruntee reelection of you stand by the American people and do your part to end the injustice in our justice system. [sic] --J.F.

Finally, as to how her close relationship with George Soros may have affected her decisions during the April 16th hearing with Cohen, Judge Wood referred FreeMartyG to the Office of the District Executive for Manhattan District Federal Court, which has oversight responsibilities for Manhattan U.S. District Court judges, including Wood, for a relevant statement. However when FreeMartyG contacted that office this afternoon prior to publication they declined to comment.


You must restore the rule of law or be torn asunder by it. History is a harsh critic to those on the wrong side of it. Do the right thing Mr. Speaker... --E.J.

Again, that petition is available here and is still accepting signatures. The polls on Twitter here and Facebook here are still open as well. To vote in future polls, follow @FreeMartyG on Twitter and Facebook

The author Martin Gottesfeld is a political prisoner of the Obama administration. To donate to assist in the production of journalism like this, please visit To donate to Mr. Gottesfeld's campaign for Senate as a Republican against Elizabeth Warren, please visit